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What is 950 vBuck in USD?

The current 950 VBUCK to USD exchange rate is 0.061279 USD and has decreased by -0.86% over the past 30 days. The VBUCK to USD price chart indicates the historical change of 950 VBUCK in USD over the past 30 days.

Can you still get 950 V-Bucks in Fortnite?

If you still haven’t received your free 950 V-Bucks in Fortnite, your only option will be to wait. It looks like Epic is slowly rolling out this reward for all players, and it might take longer for some players to receive their 950 V-Bucks. Dot Esports is supported by our audience.

Should you get 950 V-bucks from Epic Games?

Oh, you definitely should have! If you’ve just logged into Fortnite and received 950 V-Bucks with a thank you note from Epic Games, welcome to the club. While it’s often a good idea not to question any gifts, Fortnite fans can’t help but wonder why Epic was handing out 950 V-Bucks to everyone.

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